Tuesday, December 29 @6:56 AM
♥ hot title:
Timetable is out! And someone, do find out wth R&W stands for.
Love, Clara.
Monday, December 7 @6:36 AM
♥ hot title:
People, go find out class tee suppliers from your former classes. We'll then tabulate our findings and find one that has the best of all worlds. Go find out the following: -Quality(utmost importance.) -Color(some loser suppliers dont have gray.) -Price(We all wanna save some money righto.) Post up the supplier details on the this post, and title it by numbers, following the example below. Oh please type your name towards the end please. Thankyou.
1. Okay i found a supplier. Tees will amount to 20bucks, but if we dont like the tees they provide, and want our own tees, it's 4bucks off the price above. The shades of gray that they have are pretty bland-looking, but if i can i'll snap a photo or two and post it up here again. `Clara.
{Hi edit : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) }
1) Artserve @ tampmall, huge tees, $18 2) Singprint. One colour ink, (Drifit $12, cotton $10) Number: 63568740